personal-1.1.0: Personal web site for Yoo Chung
Library for generating the personal web site belonging to Yoo Chung.
- The URL for the site is
- Some guidance on how to use the library is also available.
- The source is available on GitHub.
- Diagrams
- Diagrams.Runner Exports convenience function for rendering Diagrams in Hakyll.
- Physics
- Spacetime
- Physics.Spacetime.Flat Manipulate coordinates in flat spacetime.
- Spacetime
- Web
- Generate
- Web.Generate.Contents Support generation of table of contents in programmatically generated pages on this website.
- Web.Site Configuration and rules for generating the web site.
- Web.Site.Compilers Functions related to Hakyll compilers used by other modules for this website.
- Web.Site.Routes Hakyll routes used by other modules for this website.
- Web.Site.Rules Rules for generating the web site.
- Web.Site.Rules.Article Rules for generating pages with generic articles.
- Web.Site.Rules.Diagram Rules for generating images from Haskell code based on Diagrams.
- Web.Site.Rules.File Rules for files included verbatim.
- Web.Site.Rules.Link Rules for collections of links.
- Web.Site.Rules.Publication Rules for generating the publications page.
- Web.Site.Rules.Server Rules related to server setup.
- Web.Site.Rules.Sitemap Rules for generating the site map.
- Web.Site.Rules.Stylesheet Rules for generating stylesheets from Haskell code.
- Web.Site.Rules.Update Rules for generating pages with recent updates.
- Web.Site.Styles Common functions for use by stylesheets on this website.
- Generate